Consultancy Services for NGO Registration, NGO Funding, Fund Raising, NGO Projects, Documentation

NGO Consultancy Services

NGO Registration

Trust Registration

  • Charitable Trust Registration
  • National Level Trust Documentation
  • Supplementary Trust Deed
  • Trust at Charity Commissioner
  • Devsthan Trust Rajasthan

Society Registration

  • Memorandum of Association and Bye-Laws of Society
  • Society Registration at Charity Commissioner
  • Amendments in Society Memorandum and Bye-Laws
  • Changes and Amendments in Status from State to National
  • Annual Report Submission
  • Inclusion and Exclusion of Members

Non Profit Company Regn

  • NGO as Non Profit Section 8 Company
  • Digital signature certificates (DSC)
  • Director Identification Number (DIN)
  • Submission of Return at ROC

Resolutions for Meetings

  • Resolution General Body
  • Resolution for Governing Executive Body
  • Resolution for Bank Account
  • Resolutions for New Programmes
  • Resolutions of Meetings and Decisions

Bank Account Guidance

Annual Report and Profile

  • Annual Report Preparation
  • Annual Report as Profile of NGO
  • NGO Profile preparation

Account and Income

  • NGO Accounting
  • Separate Manage Account for other than Social Work
  • Separate Account for FCRA
  • Accounting and Audit Report Preparation
  • Income Tax Return

Tax Exemption Registration

Empanelment for Funding

  • Emplacement/Registration in NGO Darpan/Niti Ayog
  • Registration in National Trust for PwDs Divyang
  • Registration in Government Ministries

FCRA Registration

  • Documentation Consultancy for FCRA and  for Prior Permission FCRA
  • FCRA Annual Returns

Project Proposal for Fund

Fund Raising Programmes

  • Fund Raising Events for Funding
  • Fund Raising Campaigns
  • Project Implementation Guidance

Trademark – Copyright

  • Trademark Registration
  • Copyright Registration Consultancy
  • ISO Certification

Website Development

  • Website Development of NGO
  • Social Media Services
All type of Documentation and Consultancy Work for NGO including management and projects

NPO - NGO Registration

एनजीओ कंसल्टेंसी हिंदी
NGO Consultancy Hindi

Chanakya NGO Consultancy Hindi website

What is required for NGO Registration Process

Before Registering you have to know and decide:

  • What kind of Process you have to choose to Register your NGO- Trust Society or Company
  • Where you want to Register NGO
  • What about your Team Members associate with you
  • Can you manage it professionally well like a Company or Firm

Before you want to know that how to register Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Non Profit Organisation (NPO) in India you must be aware of that there are different registration process of different states and authorities in India. There are some registration process apply same for all over India. Mainly there are 3 registration process applicable in India that are apply all over India; as Trust, as Society and as Non Profit Company.
Registration can de done in any process but the legal status of the registered organisation shall be as the charity non profit and non Government organisation (NGO). The status as national or status can be different but it doesn’t matter that in which process you register NGO and what will be the benefits to the NGO based on the registration process are not different as the the eligibility of grant, to get income tax exemption or to get foreign funds. The eligibility to get grants and other benefits depends upon the profile of NGO (that is to be developed after registration of NGO). Means the eligibility doesn’t depend upon the registration process to get grants or FCRA or tax exemption. Process to get registered are different in different states, different districts under different process as Society and as Trust.
One registration process to register NGO as Trust is registration under Indian Trust Act. Indian Trust Act registration is available in most of the states in India. In different states there are different Trust Act and applicable in the States like in Rajasthan The Rajasthan Public Trusts Act 1959 of Devasthan Department and in Maharashtra, The Maharashtra Public Trusts Act, 1950.
Another Registration process in registration of NGO under Societies Registration Act. It is different for different states but the registration process to adopt to register Society is almost similar. The status may be different if you register from the Union Territory Delhi in different process, as national and state level NGO. And if you register the Society form different states then that will be of state level NGO as Society.
The Non Profit Company under Section 8 of Companies Act. Old Non Profit Company Registration was under Section 25. Under Section 8 Non Profit Company is registered as a limited company.

Why to register NGO
Without registering anyone can work anywhere for social welfare but registered NGOs can get legal status in order to getting funds and making financial transaction it is necessary to get the registered status.

Register NGO:

To go for the registration and selection of the Registration Process for NGO you have to decide that why you want to form and register the NGO. If you want to do social work based on general social welfare objectives you can get registration and proceed for social development and welfare work for society. If you have specific aim and objective then you have to make your main aim as priority focus objective and also have to include other common objectives to form the NGO. You have to prepare the Trust Deed / Memorandum of Association for NGO that is the basic part of the profile of NGO. If you have any specific issue in your area or community then you can focus on that and form the NGO to work to resolve the issues that you are noticing and people are facing.

How to proceed to register NGO you have to follow the following process:

Have to take Services of NGO Consultant / NGO Consultancy to register NGO for Future Perspective
By Laws / Rules and Regulation : You have to decide the By Laws/Rules and Regulation of NGO that in accordance with Type of Registration so under that the format shall differ. There are certain legal parameters and based on that the By Laws/Rules and Regulation are prepared.
This is the work of NGO Consultants to prepare the Bye Laws/Rules Regulations. The By Laws/Rules and Regulation are main feature of NGO for future work including to get grant and for the eligibility to get funds and status of the NGO as charity welfare social organisation.
Copy paste By Laws/Rules and Regulation can create any issue including the charity/social welfare public organisation as Non Profit Organisation / Non Governmental Organisation (NGO or NPO) so it is recommended that you have to take service of the consultant for this.

Prepare Memorandum of Association / Trust Deed / Rules and regulations
7. When you decided and arranged the names and IDs of the founder members / trustees directors, name of NGO, registration process under Trust or Society or any other, registration office and area, working area (at state level or at national level), purposes / aims/ objectives of Charity Voluntary Organisation (NGO/ NPO) then you have to prepare the Memorandum of Association and Bye Laws with Objectives and Rules- Regulations.

Arrangement and requirements for Trust Registration

1. Stamp Papers : Certain Stamp of certain value are required for Trust Deed.
Stamp paper for Certain Affidavit required for the Settler.
2. Registration Fees : Have to submit the registration Fees. The required fees is to be deposited in Trust before submission of documents in office. Consultant can deposit the required fees on your behalf.
3. Permission Letter/ NOC-cum-Affidavit / Rent Agreement : For the purpose of the office of the Trust you have to prepare NOC/Permission letter or rent agreement in certain format and submit along with other documents. Consultant can guide and prepare the documents for you based on the information and address proof of the ownership of house provided by you. The Permission letter and rent agreement is prepared on stamp papers of certain values. At different locations of the authorities different rules/requirements are there, so consultant can better guide you in this regard.
In Delhi address of authorised area or Laldora area building is required.
4. Experienced NGO Consultant : The experienced NGO Consultant can better prepare the Memorandum for you.
To run a NGO is like to run a Company or Political Party at management and resources part, so you have to proceed professionally if you want to work for social change making process that is Social Entrepreneurship. For that you have to take services of Consultants.
5. Confirm Required Documents : Preparation of the required documents for different kind/type of registration including the Memorandum and other documents is the work of the consultant. This is the main work of consultant to prepare the necessary required documents in the concerned office area and present on your behalf or present along with your presence.
6. Remuneration for Members
Members can not get salary but remuneration from Project : What about the Members working in the NGO? Yes they can get the economical and other resources to get survival as remuneration under any project run by the NGO. In this regard the Consultant can better guide you if you take consultancy service.

Proceed Documentation for Registration
7. Proceed Documentation Submission : After arranging all the required information, documents and resources you have to proceed for the submission of the Memorandum and other documents for registration in the registrar office.
The consultant can do it for you to submit the documents.
8. Presence in Registrar Office: For the Trust Registration presence at the time of submission of documents in Registrar Office. Presence of all members is necessary in Trust in many states but in few states including Delhi the presence of all members not necessary in registrar office except the Founder/Settler/Deed Author.
9. Signatures for Trust : Signature on the certain documents as on Trust Deed, Memorandum and other papers are necessary when the documents are presented in the office.
This is the consultant’s work to guide you, inform you and prepare you to proceed for that.
10. Process in Registrar Office : For Trust the Trust Deed and other required papers are to be presented to the Registrar. Then registrar approves or sends forward for approval of the rest of the process. During this the photographs of the Trustees are taken in registrar office and signatures are also taken at required places. Then you have to take the acknowledgement slip. After taking the decision for registration if no certain legal or desired formality is due then the signature on the Trust Deed of registrar is placed and after entering in the online and offline record the Trust Deed is provided when the acknowledgement slip is presented in the Office. The authorised Consultant can present the acknowledgement slip and take documents on your behalf.
11. Trust Deed : The registered Trust Deed you get is the registration of the Trust as NGO. In the Trust no separate registration certificate is provided. The registration number is printed officially on the back side paper of Trust Deed, that is the official recognised Trust Registration Certificate only.

Arrangement and requirements for Society Registration
1. Presence of Authority for Society : Presence of members is not required at the time of documents submission for registration of Society but the authority to the General Secretary or President or the Consultant on behalf of the Society is necessary. There are some other requirements in different offices in different areas that is the work of the consultants they have to perform on your behalf if you appoint and pay consultancy to them.
2. Authorisation to authority for Society : For Society after checking the documents and desired formalities the registration Certificate and Signatured Memorandum and Rules and Regulations are received. The authorised person or Consultant can submit the Certificate and Memorandum of Association of Society, so the authorisation letter is to be provided to con of document presenter.
3. Covering request letter : For Society Registration the Covering request letter addressed to the concerned Registrar of Societies for registration under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 is to be submitted.
4. Check list and Memorandum Presentation : Along with that check list of the documents the Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the proposed Society in two copies and Rules and Regulations of the proposed Society in two copies are to be submitted.
5. Relatives as Members permitted : The persons of same family with same blood relations are not allowed in Society as members. Affidavit in prescribed format by the President or Secretary or General Secretary on Rupees 10 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper regarding the relationship between the subscribers (desirous persons) to the Memorandum is to be submitted.
6. Affidavit for change name of Society : In the affidavit it is also to be mention that the name of the society will be changed or rescinded if the desired name already found registered. This affidavit is required to be attested by an Oath Commissioner, Notary Public with Rupees 5 Notarial stamp affixed thereon or Magistrate 1st Class and to be submitted One Copy in original.
7. NOC-cum-Affidavit : For Society office – NOC-cum-Affidavit in prescribed format by the owner or General Power of Attorney holder of premises shown as registered office of the proposed Society on Rupees 10 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper (in original) is to be submitted. Along with the NOC the duly attested Proof of Address that can be Electricity Bill or Water Bill or Property House Tax Receipt, and it should be in the name of owner or General Power of Attorney holder also submitted.
Attested copy of documentary proof in the shape of Sale deed or Lease deed or General Power of Attorney in resident of premises shown as registered office of the society can be asked.
8. Residential address proof of members like the copy of Aadhaar Card or Passport or Voter ID of all desirous persons which may be self attested or attested is to submitted. The Residential IDs attested by a Gazetted Officer or Notary Public or Oath Commissioner is also asked in Delhi.
9. Copy of Membership Register is required, with containing of columns viz Members Name and Address, Date of joining to the society, Date of Resignation or Termination or Death, Members Signature.
In Delhi all the signatures of the desirous persons/ subscribers of the Memorandum must be witnessed by an Oath Commissioner or Notary Public with Notarial stamp affixed, Gazetted officer or 1st Class Magistrate with their official rubber stamp.
10. Signatures of minimum three office bearers (President, General Secretary and Treasurer) are required on each and every page of the Memorandum and Rules & Regulations of the Society is required.
11. In the Memorandum the names of Governing Body office bearers must necessarily be included in the list of desirous persons/ subscribers (that is General Body). The members of the Governing Body cannot be outside from the list of desirous persons/ subscribers to the Memorandum.
12. In case management of or reference to a particular existing places of worship like Mandir, Gurudwara, Masjid, Church or Budh Vihar etc. is involved sufficient documentary proof is required that the society is legally competent for the same, in Society of Delhi.
13. For the state level working Society as the area state or Union Termination, minimum seven desirous persons should be included. In Delhi if you want to form national level (All India) working area Society the desirous persons (members) should be from seven different States of India including one from Delhi.

Arrangement and Process for Non Profit Company Registration as NGO

1. Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) : DSC of the directors issued by Government recognised certifying agency for the Non Profit Company are required to complete the online registration form.
2. Director Identification Number (DIN): DIN for the proposed directors of the Non Profit Company also required.
The scanned copy of PAN Cards, Identification Proof with Address and self-attested copy of PAN, ID proof of directors is required to sumbit the online form on the MCA website.
Submission of Form: The form for Company under section 8 must be attested by chartered accountant or company secretary or cost accountant.
3. For Non Profit Company under section 8 of Company Registration Act;
Initially the available name is to be checked and after that the Tin/Din number, names of members with iDs, Address of the office with proof, Memorandum are to be present. It is the work of the consultant that has to do on your behalf.
After approval of the name and other parameters the Non Profit Company can be registered.
4. Office Address: NOC/ Permission Letter from house owner for office building is to be submitted along with the form.
5. Memorandum of Association: The Memorandum with Objectives/Aims and Bylaws is to be prepared and submitted.
6. After approval of the registration process for the Company The MOA and Certificate of Incorporation along with a unique Company Identification Number (CIN) can be received from Registrar of Companies (ROC) by Ministry Of Corporate Affairs (MEA).
7. The Non Profit Company registered under under section 8 shall enjoy all the privileges and be subjected to all the obligations of limited companies.
8. A firm may be a member of the company registered under the section 8 Non Profit Company.
9. The Non Profit Company is registered with the desired and available name without the words “Private Limited” or “Limited”.
10. If a company makes any default in complying with any of the requirements laid down in this section, the company shall, without prejudice to any other action under the provisions of this section, be punishable with fine on the directors and imprisonment punishment is also applicable.

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