We do not support each and every person and groups. We do not attend, support and provide consultancy to the people with criminal motives, greedy people who wish to gather money in the name of social service and want to earn and convert the said donated money into personal property. We do not support those whose primate motive is to collect money for personal profit and acquire resources in the name of a social non-profit organisation. Many people and groups work to collect money in the name of their associated or owned NGOs. Such criminals acquire money even from the government ministries and government projects, but they misuse it and don’t use it for social purposes as originally intended by the donor agency. There are many of organisations which are blacklisted, however, no recovery of grants or assets has been conducted and no legal actions are yet to be taken against them. So, as a result, other criminal minded people are also trying to get money from the government and get it unlawfully for personal and family use. The money provided through the projects is public money from the taxes. Even the Supreme court has directed the government to take actions in this regard.
Many criminals and criminally inclined individuals wish to form an NGO and want to know how they can get money through funds. We do not support or provide information to them. Yes, NGOs do support criminals those who are in jails so that they can revive and change themselves to live in legal and ethical way; however, it is a different issue, we do not support, guide and consult to promote the criminals who wish to exploit the system or people by registering an organisation and attempt to get public money. How are these criminals are identified? By their ethical behaviour and communication. Many people do reveal themselves, some don’t, but we first ascertain and decide whom we have to support and assist in proceeding for registration and funding.
Many people run NGOs and office bearers of NGOs ask for funds with guarantees in of some sort. Indicating that they want money. If someone is willing to pay brokerage or bribe to get funds, then it is clear that that person or the group of people are not likely to spend the money for the social cause or spend less than what it is intended for. So to provide support to such people, groups and organisations is to be a part of the wrong, illegal and unethical work they desire to do or plan on doing. We do not attend such greedy people, groups and organisations who wish and want money for self-profit purposes.
Now in the present scenario, it is very clear that the government and others will not provide funds to those who want to get them for their own profit and if they do get it and do not spend it for social purposes for which they have received it, then the money can be recovered from them. So if anybody is thinking to gain money in such a manner, the time is over, it is best if they don’t do it, otherwise, the money can be recovered and legal actions can be taken.
Yes, it is still happening somewhere at private and Government project part but promoting, supporting and guiding such people is an equal offence and unethical, so consultants and social activists must not support or help them in their unfair and illegal tasks. Such people, groups and organisations must be exposed, money shall be recovered and they must be punished. Such criminals who wish to gain profit and public money/resources in their possession are the most harmful and the worst criminals who corrupt society, such people must not come in the social sector at all.
Due to these criminals, NGOs in the social sector are losing the status of social welfare organisations, but due to anti social elements the status of any kind of social, religious and public organisation or department cannot be and must not be harmed. Such criminals are getting in prominent positions in their organisations and acquiring them only due to the image that social, religious and political organisations are social change making organisations working to maintain/improve the desired status of the society. So involvement of any social and criminal creature in social sector or religious or political or government organisation does not decide the profile and status in general. If there are anti-social and criminal elements, then they must be removed, and fair people and organisations must be promoted and improved. This is the main aim of the social sector organisations i.e. NGOs. So, everybody, including consultants and volunteers must follow social, ethical, legal and lawful parameters. It is only possible when they are not involved with the work of the said criminals, offenders and unethical people or groups. We practically do what we believe. So, we do not support any anti social organisations who want to destroy the society.
Due to this many anti social elements may have their negative feedback about our work. Their negative feedback is proving our positive work that we are performing for the real stakeholders, social activists and as the result of we are refusing consultancy for anti social, money minded, money making greedy people who want money for personal benefit in the name of social work.